Putin warns again that Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons
Published Date: 3/13/2024
Source: CBS Chicago
Russian President Vladimir Putin is warning that Russia is ready to use nuclear weapons if his country's independence is threatened. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CBS 2 News Chicago brings you breaking news, weather, compelling exclusive content and award-winning investigative reports from the CBS 2 Investigators. Subscribe to CBS 2 News Chicago on YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/user/cbschicago CBS 2 NEWS 24/7 LIVESTREAM: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/live/ CBS 2 NEWS ON PLUTO TV: https://pluto.tv/en/live-tv/62cdc75b1a1cbd0007ed45dc?gclid=CjwKCAjw0N6hBhAUEiwAXab-TbSSi4Fh_IPmF_dWkGjJt7KM9K2wzqpWTwK3NUIppzjF5uEMvbt1xhoCfYIQAvD_BwE CBS 2 NEWS WEBSITE: https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/cbschicago X (TWITTER): https://twitter.com/CBSchicago GET THE CBS 2 NEWS APP: https://apps.cbslocal.com/chicago/