Health care costs lead financial worries, poll finds
Published Date: 2/21/2024
Data: KFF; Note: A subset of 1,175 respondents with health insurance were asked about their worries with affording monthly health insurance premium; Chart: Axios Visuals

The ability to cover an unexpected medical bill or the cost of health care services tops U.S. adults' financial concerns, outranking worries over routine costs.

The big picture: That's according to a new KFF poll that also finds about half of voters say health care costs are a major reason for their negative view of the economy, though bigger factors were everyday expenses, inflation and housing costs.

Zoom in: Meanwhile, voters who say they struggle with monthly bills are more likely than those who can pay bills with money left over to say it's "very important" for 2024 presidential candidates to talk about economic and health care-related issues.

  • This includes affordability of health care (89% vs. 79%), prescription drug costs (76% vs. 64%) and the future of Medicaid (75% vs. 49%), according to the poll.