Imran Khan given long prison sentence in Pakistan | Report
Published Date: 1/31/2024
Source: 11Alive
Video via CNN Newsource & Anchor Kristie Lu Stout. A closed-door court sentenced former Pakistani Prime Minster Imran Khan and his wife to 14 years in prison after being found guilty of selling state gifts. He had also been given 10 years in prison for leaking state secrets. Khan, a legendary cricketer in Pakistan, says the charges were politically motivated and his PTI Party is vowing to challenge the rulings, which came just days before the next election. 11Alive is Where Atlanta Speaks. We believe that news shouldn’t be a one-way conversation, but a dialogue with you. Join in, share your thoughts and connect with new perspectives. Download our 11Alive News app: Follow 11Alive on Social: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Subscribe to 11Alive for exclusive content: Visit Site: