Will Roe v. Wade draft opinion impact mid-term elections?
Published Date: 5/7/2022
Source: CBS 8 San Diego
The draft opinion on Roe v. Wade is out just in time for us to pivot attention to the mid-term elections. California is set to send out voter guides, but a lot of people already have them in their mailbox. So how does the Roe v. Wade opinion draft fallout affect our upcoming midterm elections, especially with primaries set for early June? Political analyst Laura Fink said, "Republicans are energized this year because there's a Democrat in the White House and Democrats control the House and the Senate. However, this may increase turnout on the Democratic side with women and progressives and young people looking to fight this decision." Full story on CBS8.com: https://www.cbs8.com/article/news/politics/national-politics/will-roe-v-wade-affect-mid-term-elections/509-3de1b18f-ea2f-4450-bfad-d18259f5d642