Armed father-daughter duo march with anti-Rittenhouse protesters — to protect them | New York Post
Published Date: 11/22/2021
Source: New York Post
Protesters upset over the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse marched in Kenosha on Sunday — in the presence of a Second Amendment-supporting father-daughter duo armed with AR-15s that they said were to protect the demonstrators. “We just do security for different groups. We’re doing a favor for them,” Erick Jordan, 50, told The Post while walking alongside his 16-year-old daughter, Jade. Jordan said he’d been training Jade to use firearms since she was 4 but only let her touch a weapon once she was 14. He said they were protecting a restaurant and two parking lots in the area on the night Rittenhouse shot three people, including two fatally, amid protests over police conduct. #AR-15 #KyleRittenhouse #NewYorkPost The New York Post is your source for breaking news, news about New York, sports, business, entertainment, opinion, real estate, culture, fashion, and more. Catch the latest news here: Follow The New York Post on: Twitter - Facebook -