Teachers' sexist attitudes have a major impact on secondary education
Published Date: 11/15/2021
Source: phys.org
"Girls are expected to work harder, perform better academically and behave better. On the other hand, boys are allowed to get away with worse behavior. In addition, less is expected of them, which discourages many of them from achieving good academic results," says Milagros Sáinz Ibáñez, the lead researcher of the Gender and ICT (GenTIC) group of the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3) of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). This is one of the main conclusions of the study entitled "Secondary School Teachers' Views of Gender Differences in School Achievement and Study Choices in Spain" published inSAGE Open and carried out with Sergi Fàbregues, who is also a member of GenTIC, and Jordi Solé, the lead researcher of the Laboratory of Social Education group, who are both members of the UOC's Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, and Sara García-Cuesta, a researcher at La Laguna University.