Chris Cuomo accused of sexually harassing former boss at 2005 party | New York Post
Published Date: 9/24/2021
Source: New York Post
A former ABC executive producer has accused Chris Cuomo of sexually harassing her at a 2005 work party after he grabbed her butt in front of her husband and co-workers — and he later called it a “hearty greeting.” Shelley Ross, a veteran TV journalist, detailed the incident at an Upper West Side bar in a New York Times op-ed Friday. She said Cuomo sent an email in the aftermath telling her he was “ashamed” — but quickly tried to show his actions were different from an actor accused of doing the same to a stranger on the street. #ChrisCuomo #ShelleyRoss #NewYorkPost The New York Post is your source for breaking news, news about New York, sports, business, entertainment, opinion, real estate, culture, fashion, and more. Catch the latest news here: Follow The New York Post on: Twitter - Facebook -