Gen. Mark Milley defends teaching ‘critical race theory’ at West Point | New York Post
Published Date: 6/23/2021
Source: New York Post
America’s top military officer on Wednesday defended teaching “critical race theory” to US Army cadets at West Point — and said it’s important for those in uniform to understand “white rage.” During a budget hearing held by the House Armed Services Committee, Army Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Pentagon’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, said that “on the issue of critical race theory, etc., a lot of us have to get much smarter on whatever the theory is.” #WestPoint #CriticalRaceTheory #USArmy The New York Post is your source for breaking news, news about New York, sports, business, entertainment, opinion, real estate, culture, fashion, and more. Catch the latest news here: Follow The New York Post on: Twitter - Facebook -