Gen Z and millennials say streaming costs them too much
Published Date: 4/3/2024
Data: Tubi/Harris Poll; Chart: Axios Visuals

More than half of Gen Z and millennials believe they are overspending on streaming services each month, a recent poll reports.

Why it matters: As streaming services continue to increase prices, all generations are still forking over money to providers.

By the numbers: 58% of viewers would rather watch ads than pay more for ad-free streaming, and 62% prefer free, ad-supported streaming, according to The Harris Poll on behalf of Tubi.

Between the lines: 71% of Gen Z and millennials admit to canceling memberships that require a premium to gain more access.

What they did: The Harris Poll, on behalf of Tubi, an ad-supported streaming service owned by Fox, surveyed 2,503 adults who streamed video for at least one hour a week from December 2023 to January 2024.

What they're saying: "In an age where every dollar counts, the rise of ad-supported streaming platforms is a testament to consumers' savvy pursuit of value without sacrificing content quality," Libby Rodney, chief strategy officer of The Harris Poll, told Axios.